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The veterinary medicine field continues to emerge, transforming conventional methods into modernized strategies. These innovations positively succeeded in assisting practitioners generate an accurate diagnosis and species-specific treatment plans. However, these developments significantly influenced the surgical department, particularly interventional radiology.

What is this?

Countless radiologic procedures have been established to promote the diagnosis of animal diseases. One distinct strategy commonly used to achieve this plan is scientifically termed diagnostic imaging. The courses of action under this category intend to pinpoint anatomical problems, primarily within the internal organs and bordering structures.

Routine imaging procedures are noninvasive, cost-effective, and practical. Anecdotally speaking, these schemes can positively determine an irregularity without jeopardizing the entire process and producing increased pain degrees within a pet’s body.

Because of these reaping benefits, veterinarians never hesitate to recommend scheduling any pet variety, especially those arranged for surgery on this page. This is a way so they can be subjected to the diagnostic imaging procedure specific to their condition.

What are the associated procedures?

The never-ending research studies and progression of technology associated with veterinary medicine led to the practical introduction of diagnostic imaging procedures. Indeed, numerous methods and tools are taken advantage of to recognize a particular condition.


Commonly termed pet x rays, numerous veterinary establishments have offered this method for decades. This has validated its worth as an effective imaging technique for discovering internal irregularities. Radiography is typically carried out to pinpoint pet conditions such as deformities, fractures, infections, injuries, and tumors.


Computed tomography is nearly identical to radiography; the only difference is that this technique is more advanced and modernized in performance. It is a technological innovation that can detect any organ malformation. Consequently, this approach is mainly conducted by trained practitioners, and it is only performed for pets with specialized conditions.


Radiography is noteworthy as the most common diagnostic imaging technique. Following this method on the lineup is ultrasonography. In veterinary medicine, this procedure uses ultrasonic waves to reveal the size and shape of deeper structures, such as soft tissues, identifying any indications of abnormalities. Consequently, this can provide a more accurate and detailed prognosis.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Magnetic resonance imaging or MRI is an ideal alternative when tomography scans are not accessible. Because of the intricate concept and size of the equipment utilized for this technique, practitioners with specialized training can only conduct this procedure. Specifically those who belong to the group of Carolina Veterinary Specialists in Greensboro. Despite these assertions, this is known to provide complete anatomic images compared to conventional methods.

Nuclear Imaging

Back then, discovering the most accurate diagnostic imaging technique was challenging not until the introduction of nuclear medicine scans. This approach goes beyond the traditional radiography principles, exceeding the capabilities of each procedure mentioned above. It employs a technologically-wise computer with a special camera, emitting a radiation called gamma rays to produce well-defined images of the structure of interest.

Why is this needed before surgery?

It is a popular notation that the human eye can not easily discern numerous animal conditions. So, to deal with this concern, pets are subjected to multiple diagnostic imaging procedures.

Consequently, these techniques are essential for an accurate health prognosis. So, whenever a veterinarian suspects an internal abnormality, they might suggest having your pets undergo a radiography scan.

Moreover, a definite and clear illustration can considerably determine a high surgical success rate. These radiologic scans can pinpoint the exact site of the structure needed to be removed without threatening the process and exposing the pet’s life to complete danger.

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